Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy New Year!  I hope that each of you had the opportunity to spend time with your loved ones during the holiday season.  We ended the year with many exciting activities.  The students and staff had a joyous time at the winter performances and school dance, and took full advantage of our Polar Express Day when they wore their comfiest PJs to school.

It is hard to believe that the school year is almost at the midway point.  The beginning of a new year always serves as a great opportunity to reflect on what is working well, and what needs to be improved upon.  I employ you to continue to have meaningful conversations with your children every day.  Take stock of how your child is doing in school.  Report cards will be distributed tomorrow.  To see if you have a good idea on how well your child is doing, answer the following questions yes or no:
1.      Do you talk with your child about graded tests and projects when she brings them home?
2.      Do you ask your child to talk about why he thinks he received a grade and what he has learned – whether it’s a good grade or a grade in need of improvement?
3.      Do you contact your child’s teacher to learn what is going on if your child has a problem with a subject?
4.      Do you check your child’s report card, paying attention to conduct and behavior grades as well as academic grades?
5.      Do you review your child’s test results with the teacher?
How did you do?  Each yes answer means that you are keeping up with your child’s progress in school.  Children’s school success starts at home – and kids’ attitudes about school start there as well.  What you say can influence how your child feels, so speak positively about your child’s teacher.  If you have a problem or concern, make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher rather than speaking negatively at home.  After all, you both have the same goal in mind: your child’s success.
This month, resolve to get involved with your child’s academic success.  On Thursday, January 24th, we will host our first Parent Pop-in Day.  Parents will have the opportunity to visit their child’s classroom and spend some time observing the learning taking place.  On Wednesday, January 30th, the afternoon will be dedicated to Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Please carve out time to take advantage of both opportunities.
George Santayana said, “A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.”  You are an integral part of your child’s experiences, so let’s work toward making this year the best year ever for every child at Durham.

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