My how time flies when you are having fun! It has been a busy nine weeks of teaching and learning at Durham, and I must apologize for not posting a message for a few weeks. I am committed to communicating more frequently. Next week we will begin the second nine weeks of school. We had many great experiences at Durham during the first nine weeks. More than 200 families joined us for our Open House. I cannot stress how important it is for you to remain in contact with your child’s teacher.
We also began our College-bound Fridays. We were joined by Black MS cheerleaders and Waltrip HS band members, along with college students from UH and Rice University.

It’s never too early to begin to plant the seed that we expect our children to go to college. Don’t ever underestimate the influence you have on your kids’ lives. They look to you for guidance and boundaries. They model after your words and actions. If you value something, they value it as well. They listen, and they learn from the examples we provide. In my daily life, I am constantly reminded of the values I learned from my mother. She taught me about working hard and taking pride in all I do. She would often say, “It isn’t worth doing if you’re not doing it right.” I carry her words in my heart and head, and for years to come, you will forever have an influence on your child’s life. Years from now, when your kids are grown and raising their own families, they will remember the time you spent with them and the lessons in character that you modeled. Choose wisely…teach wisely with words and actions, for what you say and do is shaping a young life and generations after.
One of the ways to show your children how much you value their learning, is by joining the PTA and participating in PTA events. Thank you to all of our families who participated in the Chuck-E-Cheese fundraiser night. This Tuesday, October 23rd, please join us at Chik-Fil-A on 43rd and Crosstimbers. Please be sure to mention Durham, so that a portion of your purchase will come directly to the school.
I’ve also decided to do a Home and School Corner with some entries. These will be simple, yet effective tips to ensure that home and school are working together to support student learning.
Ticket please!
If you want to limit your children’s TV time, try this idea. Every week, give them seven slips of paper. Each slip is good for an hour of television. Help them to plan ahead. For example, if they want to watch a two-hour movie on Saturday, they’ll need to save an extra ticket from a day during the week.
As always, thank you for choosing Durham as your school of choice.
Onica L. Mayers
Ready to Serve